
Study Tips to Help Students Ace Standardized Tests

Test-taking anxiety affects most students, but it manifests itself in different ways to different kids. Knowing the material and being able to confidently take a test on it are not always one in the same. Standardized tests can be especially intimidating because they have higher stakes than everyday exams. While there’s not necessarily a cure […]

What to Expect from Catholic Schools Week

Once a year, everyone in the St. Charles Borromeo community gets together to celebrate all things Catholic school during Catholic Schools Week. During this nationwide event, students, teachers and families participate in school spirit activities, Mass celebrations, open houses and more. We welcome members of the community to join in and see what Catholic education […]

How to Help Your Child Solve Math Word Problems

Solving math word problems involves skills in analysis, reading and mathematics. This causes some children to struggle, even if their individual skills are up to par. When word problems are first introduced, children don’t always understand the path from a phrase like “two trains are leaving different stations” to a numerical answer. Here are some […]

Teaching Your Child Leadership Skills

Every child has the potential to be a leader, but not all are born with natural leadership skills. The good news is that many important aspects of leadership can be taught. As a parent, you’re in a unique position to foster your child’s abilities and help them become the best version of themselves. Here are […]

7 Tips for Teaching Children About Respect

In order to thrive in life, children need to know about respect. Children who understand how and why to respect others will carry those lessons on throughout their lives. Phrases like “because I said so” teach children the wrong lesson by making obedience feel like a punishment. Before your child goes out into the world […]

Helping Your Child Deal with Social Reentry

Even if your child was a social butterfly before the pandemic, they might struggle to go back to full classrooms and events without social distancing. They could also be starting to make up for lost time with friends and family. These sudden changes can be overwhelming.  Here are some ways you can help your child […]

How Video Games Can Help Your Child Learn

Gaming can open up new worlds for your child, like books and movies but in a more engaging way. When your child plays a video game, they are at the center of their own world. This can come with many benefits, like life lessons, cognitive benefits and career opportunities. At our Orlando private school, we […]

April: Month of the Holy Eucharist

After the reflective period of Lent, Easter comes around, and then Catholics dedicate the entire month to celebrating Jesus’s presence in their lives. Known as the Month of the Holy Eucharist, April is a time when the Catholic Church focuses on the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This is unique to the Catholic Church as we […]

Books for Children to Read During Black History Month

Learning about history is an essential part of education. While we cover what we can in our curriculum, there is always room for stories that help paint a picture of what life was like before we were here. Modern stories are great, as well, to help provide context. During Black History Month, encourage your child […]

Celebrating Catholic Schools Week

The 47th annual Catholic Schools Week is coming up, and this year’s theme is “Faith. Excellence. Service.” At St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, we believe these three words perfectly represent Catholic education. We will be launching our Catholic Schools Week with an open house Sunday, January 31st, and we welcome anyone who is […]