National Junior Honor Society


Chartered October 7, 2002

Under the direction of Gay Okolowicz, guidance counselor at that time, and Mrs. Mary Agnew, principal, an application for a charter in the National Junior Honor Society was made. This request was approved and the St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Orlando Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society became effective during the 2002-2003 school year.

Chapter Requirements

  1. The Principal, after reviewing the NJHS handbook, names a faculty member to server as the NJHS Chapter Advisor, and appoints a five-member Faculty Council. Neither the Principal or Vice-Principal may serve as an Advisor or on the Faculty Council. The Chapter Advisor is the sixth, non-voting member of the Council. All final decisions rest with the school Principal.
  2. Under the direction of the Principal and the NJHS Advisor, the Faculty Council develops a membership selection procedure, consistent with the Constitution of the NJHS. Once reviewed and accepted by the Principal, the selection process must become public information. In addition, Chapter by-laws must be written to clarify the operating procedures of the chapter.
  3. Maintain a permanent record at the school of all students who are officially inducted into the school chapter (name, grade and date of induction).
  4. Maintain affiliation with the national office on an annual basis, and pay the annual school fee.
NJHS president Kaelyn Johnson proud to say that SCBCS collected 627 pairs of socks for our sister diocese in the Dominican Republic.

Leading with Love

Striving for Excellence in Service, One Can At a Time

“If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink.” — Proverbs 25:21

The students of the St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School National Junior Honor Society organize and run a school-wide program of giving.

Each week on the day of school Mass, members collect canned and dry food donations from the school community. Students and staff in all grades Pre-K through 8th are strongly encouraged to bring at least one item to contribute to the food drive each week. All donations collected are given to the Agape Food Pantry, an outreach of the Catholic Charities of Central Florida.

Special event food drives are also organized by NJHS throughout the school year. During the Thanksgiving holiday season, NJHS promotes food collection by class in an effort to provide over 200 families with a complete Thanksgiving meal. Themed food collections are scheduled each month to help meet the specific needs of the Agape Food Pantry.

The NJHS mission of service could not be achieved without the support of our amazingly charitable school community. NJHS is continuously grateful for everyone’s gracious contributions!