
Spend Time With Your Family This Easter Break

Easter break is a wonderful time to relax and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. As a College Park private school, St. Charles Borromeo understands how important it is to make time for your family, especially around Easter! Take a look below at some of our favorite activities that you and your family can do together […]

Pray Like the Pope

If there’s one thing we know to be true, it’s the importance of prayer, especially around Easter. Taking moments out of our day to pray helps us be thankful for all that He has given us, and allows us time to reflect and consider opportunities where we can bless others. Easter is a great time […]

The Importance of Community Service

Every summer, my church’s youth group has a local mission trip. Almost 100 teenagers from ages 12-18 sleep in the youth building from Monday through Friday, going out to volunteer at food banks, sort recycled soaps and discarded hygiene products, and do yard work for the elderly. And you know what? Spots fill up almost […]

What Should I Give Up For Lent?

Lent is right around the corner. It’s a time for us to reflect on God’s sacrifice, sacrifice something of our own, and prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter. However, it can be difficult to decide what to give up—and what to encourage our children to give up. If you’re having trouble making this decision, take […]

St. Charles Borromeo Celebrates Faculty & Staff For Catholic Schools Week

Celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2018 is just around the corner! On January 28th through February 3rd, St. Charles Borromeo would like to take time to celebrate the brilliant, faith-filled community that works so diligently to create a wonderful learning environment for our students. As an Orlando Catholic school, we would especially like to take time […]

4 Tips to Keep Track of Student’s Education Progress

As a parent, your child’s educational growth is a top priority. But just signing off on report cards doesn’t give a full picture of how your child is growing academically. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando private school, cares about both the educational and spiritual growth of our students—and we know that parents play a huge […]

Teaching Children to be Kind

A parent’s top priority is to teach children kindness and help them grow into wholesome adults. The staff at St. Charles Borromeo has the same vision, which is why we provide children with these stepping stones to follow in God’s footsteps. Be an Example To raise kind children we must first examine our own behavior. […]

Which Holiday Side Dish Fits Your Personality?

The community at St. Charles Borromeo hopes that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. While the turkey leftovers might have finally disappeared from your refrigerators, we know that it’s not quite time to let go of all of that holiday food! Based on your personality, here are the side dishes you should keep […]

How to Parent the Catholic Way

A church can’t give you a step-by-step guide on how to raise your children the right way. However, as Catholics, we have a different compass for giving our children the support and care they need to grow into emotionally and spiritually-healthy adults. Here are some tips for raising children under a Catholic mindset. What is […]

Saint Spotlight: St. Charles Borromeo

The weather is getting cooler as we quickly approach the holiday season. In early November, it will be time for the Feast of St. Charles Borromeo. The students at St. Charles Borromeo would like to take a moment to remember our patron saint. St. Charles Borromeo is the patron saint of bishops, cardinals, seminarians, and […]