
Meaningful Traditions to Make Lent More Relatable

Adults understand Lent as a time to make sacrifices in order to make time for prayer and reflection. Children, however, might not understand why they need to give something up for 40 days, and may see it as a punishment rather than a way to reaffirm their faith. If you want to make Lent meaningful […]

St. Charles Borromeo Introduces a Project-Based STEM Program

In a world that becomes more technologically advanced every day, knowledge of STEM subjects — science, technology, engineering and math — is crucial for today’s students. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, started a new STEM program centered on project-based learning this school year. Led by Mr. Steve Barnaby, students in grades K-8 participate […]

Promoting a Love of Science in Your Child

Through science, we learn about the world around us. Children often see science as a difficult subject since it’s not as straightforward as math or reading. While this may be true for some students, science can teach children many essential skills, like thinking outside the box, researching and learning from failures. Here are a few […]

5 Family-Friendly Movies to Watch Together This Holiday Season

Holidays create the perfect atmosphere for quality family time, and there’s no better way to spend time together than gathering for family movie night. During family movie nights, family members gather and experience the same story as their loved ones, then talk about it together for years to come. While movies can teach life lessons, […]

How Cultures Around the World Celebrate Advent

Every year, people from around the world gather to celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. While Catholics are known to be traditional, people of Catholic faith around the world have their own ways of celebrating Advent. This season is one of the most important to the Catholic faith, and seeing how it’s celebrated […]

Experiencing the Beauty of Catholic Art 

Praise takes many forms. For some, it means silent contemplation, while for others, it means proselytizing to everyone who has a moment to listen. One form of worship that has carried on through the ages is visual art. From stained glass windows to ornately decorated Bibles, Catholic art has been around since Catholicism itself, and […]

Developing Spiritual and Character Values at School

Catholic school has something that’s missing in many public and private schools: an emphasis on faith and character development. Children outside of faith-based schools learn academic lessons in school, and they learn social skills through interactions with other students, but they aren’t inherently taught how to become the best version of themselves. Catholic schools have […]

How Children Can Appreciate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit provides numerous gifts to people of faith. Children who grow up in Christian families learn all about these gifts and how important they are for fully living in faith. However, they don’t inherently know that the Holy Spirit is within them. By teaching your children about the Holy Spirit, you can help […]

The Benefits of Reading Aloud

Some children get nervous about reading out loud, especially if they don’t consider themselves strong readers. However, reading aloud and being read to have many benefits for children. Reading is often a solitary activity, but when children are still learning, it’s best to let them share the experience with others every once in a while. […]

Helping Your Child Embrace Catholic School Traditions

Faith-based traditions inform Catholic education. Even as these schools grow and adapt to modern times, there’s something to be said about how Catholic schools stick to their roots. As a parent of a Catholic school student, you may wonder how to balance the academic and Catholic aspects of your child’s learning experience. Here are a […]