
Teacher Spotlight: Margaret Borello

Kindergarten teacher Margaret Borello loves being a part of the family at St. Charles Borromeo! Get to know her and how she brings her passion and experience to our institution. Where did you grow up? I was born in Pittsburgh, PA. At the age of 10, my family relocated to Fort Lauderdale. I remained in […]

Life Lessons From the Bible

There are many lessons we can take from the Bible. These stories teach us about forgiveness, obedience, patience, leadership, kindness, love, and courage, and through them, we discover how we can share the love of God with others. Humility The Bible addresses humility in a variety of places. Philippians 2 says that “in humility, [we […]

Teacher Spotlight: Karri Gomez

Even when she was young and living in the tiny town of Ponca City, Oklahoma — a town so small that there wasn’t even a McDonald’s until she turned 13 — Karri Gomez knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. “I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. My family was either in […]

How to Prepare for The Advent Season

Christmas season is right around the corner! Our Orlando private school community is excited for the upcoming festivities to celebrate Jesus’ birth. But before then, we want to take time to observe Advent. This is the perfect time to slow down, focus on the meaning of the season, and deepen our relationship with Christ. Practice […]

Finish School Projects Quickly and Efficiently

There’s only so many hours in a day. It can be hard to schedule enough time for homework, much less fit in group projects, where you have to coordinate your schedule with classmates. St. Charles Borromeo, a College Park private school, loves the collaboration and teamwork that happens in group projects — they’re great practice […]

Teacher Spotlight: Lillie Gelfand

Lillie Gelfand’s whole life was in Florida. But when her husband was transferred up north, she moved to Connecticut. He thrived in the icy winters and she loved watching him thrive, even though she preferred the warm. “It was heaven for him, freezing for me!” said Gelfand. “He was also a trumpet player — an […]

How to Throw an All Saints Day Party

November 1st is All Saints Day! This is a time for us to remember the saints and celebrate them with our friends and family. As an Orlando private school, St. Charles Borromeo loves to see our community partake in these celebrations alongside the people who matter most. If you’re considering throwing an All Saints Day […]

Fall Recipes to Make With Your Child

One of the best ways to ring in the new season is with fall-themed sweets! As an Orlando private school, St. Charles Borromeo believes in spending intentional time with your children, and baking these treats together is the perfect bonding activity. Here are a couple of easy ideas that fit perfectly into a Saturday afternoon […]

Celebrate National Good Neighbor Day

September 28th is National Good Neighbor Day! As an Orlando private school, St. Charles Borromeo teaches our students to share the love of Jesus with everyone around them — and this holiday is the perfect time to do that. We aim to be good neighbors throughout the entire year, but we’re excited to take this […]

Kids Who Changed the World

Children around the globe have used their creativity and innovation to change lives for the better. Children often assume that they can’t make an impact on the world at their age, however, as an Orlando Catholic school, St. Charles Borromeo believes that children can make a powerful change. Help inspire your child to make a […]