
Keep Your Child Busy at Home

Adjusting your child to social distancing can be difficult because you’re scrambling trying to find ways to keep your child entertained. But there is still plenty to do! St. Charles Borromeo, one of the top private schools in Orlando, has ideas to keep your child engaged while being home all day. Make a Routine An […]

National Student Athlete Day

National Student Athlete Day is on April 6th, which is a great reminder of the importance of being active. Playing sports is beneficial to a child’s upbringing, and we encourage you to support them. From soccer to basketball, St. Charles Borromeo, a top private school in Orlando, has a rigorous athletics program that builds a […]

Benefits of Your Child Playing Chess

Chess is not just a game for the elderly to play at the park. Chess can be a highly beneficial tool to your child’s intellectual development. St. Charles Borromeo, one of the Orlando Catholic schools, encourages your child to play chess in our after-school chess club at school! Problem-Solving Skills A match encourages problem solving […]

Encourage Your Child to Do the Talent Show

Our next talent show is March 13th, and we highly encourage our students at St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, to participate! We know your child aces their academics, but we also want to see them shine with their personal talents. Whether it’s singing or dancing, the talent show is the place to let […]

The Celebration of Ash Wednesday

For parents, sometimes it can be difficult to explain things to children. St. Charles Borromeo, one of the top Orlando Catholic schools, knows how hard it might be educating your child about religious observations and celebrations without confusing her. Here are a few ideas to help parents like you explain the importance of Ash Wednesday. […]

Science Fair Preparation and Ideas

The science fair at St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, is on February 19th! This great event is hosted by schools worldwide and allows your child to compete in science and technical activities. To help her prepare, here’s a list of project ideas she can do! Backyard Biosphere Is it possible to create a […]

National Puzzle Day to Help Child Development

January 29th is National Puzzle Day! St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, encourages your family to celebrate because puzzles can help with your child’s development. Doing puzzles assists in keeping the brain sharp, improves memory, and helps prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. Developing Skills When your child is alone playing with a puzzle, he is […]

Catholic Schools Week Open House

The 46th annual Catholic Schools Week is coming up! From January 26th to February 1st, Catholic schools all around the country all celebrate and connect through by attending Masses and participating in assemblies. This year’s theme is to learn, serve, lead, and succeed. Take a look at why St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, […]

Continuing a Catholic Education Through High School

Choosing the right type of school for your child is a difficult decision. Religious schools like St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, recommend students continue a Catholic education throughout grade school. Here’s why a Catholic education is important, and how your child can prepare for the transition into high school. Benefits of Catholic School […]

Teaching Your Child About Friendship

There are so many valuable lessons that your child can learn from making friends. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, wants to help you teach your child how to be a good friend. It’s an important life skill your child should explore now, as it will help her develop not only socially but emotionally […]