
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the third Saturday of August, Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This commemorates Mary, the mother of God, was assumed body and soul into heaven and reunited with her son Jesus. Learn about the tradition and the ways you and your child can observe it.

The doctrine of her departure states at the end of her life, Mary was taken body and soul, both physically and spiritually, from Earth to heaven. Our Blessed Mother’s body was able to go directly to heaven as it wasn’t stained by original sin.

Many countries, including all of North America, celebrate this as a Holy Day of obligation and a festival. Every culture, from Roman Catholic to the Anglican Communion, celebrates on or around the same day. On these days, all faithful communities are required to attend Mass unless the day fall on a Saturday or Monday.

Catholics all around the world celebrate the Assumption of Mary in different ways. For instance, in Italy and Italian-American culture, colorful processions and fireworks mark the celebration. Some Catholics carry a statue of the Virgin Mary through towns to a ceremonial floral arch. Here are ways you and your child can celebrate:


  • Attend a mass: Make it a priority to attend a vigil mass, usually held the evening before the feast. You and your child can display your love for our Blessed Mother and bring glory to her son.
  • Go to a procession: Processions for the Feast are either big or small. Go online and research how your area celebrates their love for our Lady. If you don’t find one, organize your own. Be sure to collect a statue, figurine, or image of Mary.
  • Plant a Mary Garden: A great bonding activity for you and your child, celebrate Assumption Day by blessing the summer harvest. Plant herbs, summer squash, fresh fruit, and more. 
  • Have a feast: Organize a special feast with your family that can be a picnic, formal dinner, cookout, or other dining activities. Be sure to use fresh herbs and vegetables from your Mary garden in your meal blessing, and incorporate the color blue, which symbolizes the heavenly skies.


St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school located in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, is more than just a place to learn; it’s a community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.