
Encourage Your Child to Do the Talent Show

Our next talent show is March 13th, and we highly encourage our students at St. Charles Borrom
eo, an Orlando Catholic school, to participate! We know your child aces their academics, but we also want to see them shine with their personal talents. Whether it’s singing or dancing, the talent show is the place to let your child be the bright star she is!

Finding a Passion
We believe that academics are not just about science and math. Maybe your child isn’t as adept at algebra, but more so in the arts. She wants to play an instrument or paint pictures. She needs to find a talent she is passionate about and can practice. By showcasing her talents, she will feel acknowledged and appreciated by her peers, her teachers, and even you. 

Boosting Confidence
Taking a break from schoolwork and allowing your child to pursue their talents is important to her development. She needs to believe in herself and build on that confidence as a child. When she grows up, she will smooth out her skills and become a confident adult. Allow her to discover what she’s good at and encourage her to hone in on it! When you support her, you build a bond and create an opportunity for her to value herself.

Reducing Anxiety and Loneliness
When your child discovers herself, recognizes her abilities, and builds on her confidence, she will blossom. By working with her peers on the talent show, she will have the opportunity to socialize and build relationships. This, in turn, will reduce anxieties and a feeling of loneliness. Working in groups is a crucial skill set she will need as an adult in the workplace.

Having Role Models
Your child needs role models she can look up to you. Yes, as her parent, you are the main role model in her life. But when she discovers her talent and wants to improve on it, she needs people she can look up to. If she is a singer, who are the singers she looks up to? If she plays an instrument, who is a musician she hopes to be like one day? By identifying her role models now, she can follow in their footsteps and be on the way to becoming a star herself!

St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, is more than just a place to learn; it’s a community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.