
Teaching Your Child How To Serve Others Biblically

It’s important to teach children how to serve others so they can follow the example that Jesus set for us in the Bible. Learning how to serve people while young creates a foundation for serving selflessly throughout life. As parents, the best way to teach your child to serve is to lead by example. Learn […]

How To Encourage Your Child To Be Active At Home

Many children spend the majority of their days looking at a screen. Granted, a lot of this interaction between technology and children is for educational purposes. As summer approaches, it’s a good time to break up your child’s time on the screen and get them up and moving. Learn about ways you can encourage your […]

5 Ways to Show Teachers Your Appreciation

We love our teachers and staff that pour into classrooms each day. Teaching children and leading them to the future is not always an easy feat. We like to show our appreciation to teachers by being supportive and encouraging while meeting their needs in and out of the classroom. Keep reading for ways that you […]

3 Ideas for an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt

Earth Day gives us an opportunity to bring awareness to our Earth’s environmental state and how we can do our part to preserve it. Getting your kids involved in conservation can be challenging, so we’ve come up with three different scavenger hunts that will educate and entertain your kids.  Sketching Checklist  Doing a sketching checklist […]

Easter Traditions Around the World

Jesus Has Risen! Easter is widely celebrated around the world as a commemoration to our Savior Jesus’ sacrifice for us. This is a great time to remember that even though we may have different cultures and traditions, we can all come together to celebrate our Lord! Keep reading to learn more about how Easter is […]

Benefits of Community Involvement for Children

Community involvement benefits people of all ages. Getting involved at a young age can help children in ways that last a lifetime. At Orlando Catholic schools, community is part of the curriculum. Students participate in service-based activities with their classes and at after-school clubs. This not only helps those in need; it also helps the […]

How to Teach Your Child About Friendship

Friendship means everything to children. While some are naturally gifted with magnetic personalities and inherent kindness, most have to work on their friendship skills. Making friends helps children understand who they are and their place in the world. It’s important that they know what makes people happy and what might upset others. Here are a […]

Study Tips to Help Students Ace Standardized Tests

Test-taking anxiety affects most students, but it manifests itself in different ways to different kids. Knowing the material and being able to confidently take a test on it are not always one in the same. Standardized tests can be especially intimidating because they have higher stakes than everyday exams. While there’s not necessarily a cure […]

Preparing Your Child for Their First Communion

Holy Communion — or the Eucharist — is the source and summit of everything we do as Catholics. In the Catholic faith, children take their first Communion at the age of reason, which is usually at 7 or 8 years old. They receive the Eucharist, or the body and blood of Christ for the first […]

What to Expect from Catholic Schools Week

Once a year, everyone in the St. Charles Borromeo community gets together to celebrate all things Catholic school during Catholic Schools Week. During this nationwide event, students, teachers and families participate in school spirit activities, Mass celebrations, open houses and more. We welcome members of the community to join in and see what Catholic education […]