
Preparing For The Annunciation

The Annunciation is an important event that, as an Orlando Catholic school, we at St. Charles Borromeo would like to take the time to remember. Let’s take a few moments to look back on the moment of The Annunciation and the reasons why it means so much to us. Annunciation is a fancy old way […]

Three Ways to Show Your Children Affection This Valentine’s Day

While parents show affection to their children year-round, Valentine’s Day is a special time devoted to reminding our loved ones that we care. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, values the important relationship between parents and their children. If you’re wondering how to show your children you care this Valentine’s Day, here are a […]

Catholic Schools Week

We’re nearing the end of January, which means we’re rapidly approaching Catholic Schools Week—a time where Catholic schools nationwide, including Catholic schools in Orlando, celebrate Catholic education in the United States. This week-long celebration, starting the last Sunday in January, has been a beloved part of Catholic schools everywhere since 1974! St. Charles Borromeo also […]

Teaching Goal Setting Leads to Long-Term Benefits

If you want to succeed in life, you need to have a clear idea of where you want to go. Goal setting is a critical part of climbing the stairway to success. This isn’t a skill that comes naturally. Just like any good habit, goal setting is best learned early. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando […]

How to Tell if Your Child is Ready for PreK

When should your child start PreK? Some would argue that the right age is around two-and-a-half years old, as this is when children are usually developmentally ready to attend school. However, this isn’t true of all children. Each child is an individual and some may need a little bit more time before PreK can be […]

The Importance of Ethics in Your Child’s Catholic Education

The time spent in school is a critical part of a child’s foundation. Naturally, as children spend so much of their day in school, it should also be a place where they are able to build a strong sense of ethics. St. Charles Borromeo is an Orlando Catholic school that believes strongly in offering an […]

Serving the Community During the Holidays

Thanksgiving and Christmas are quickly approaching, and it’s time for the spirit of giving. Although your children are likely eagerly awaiting their Christmas break, it’s important to remind them the importance of giving back to the community during the holiday season. St. Charles Borromeo, a Catholic school in Orlando, presses the importance of giving back […]

Scholarship Opportunities for Prospective Students of St. Charles Borromeo

High academic standards in a constructive environment is a clear benefit of enrolling your child in an Orlando private school. Catholic schools are an amazing value for the cost; however, the price can be off-putting for some families. We at St. Charles Borromeo understand that students should not be denied a quality education because of […]

Building a Better Tomorrow: The Benefits of a Catholic-Based Education in Adulthood

The short-term benefits of a Catholic-based education may be readily apparent; children receive a higher quality education in a faith-based environment that helps set a stable foundation for adulthood. However, you may wonder what the long-term benefits are for your children when you send them to a Catholic school. St. Charles Borromeo, a Catholic School […]

A Parent’s Guide to Technology & the Preteen

Technology has become a normal part of day-to-day life. While it can be a helpful tool, unmonitored access to the Internet and social media can lead your child down inappropriate paths. We cannot entirely separate children from technology, but we can guide them towards healthy, productive usage. St Charles, a Catholic school in Orlando, values […]