
Family-Friendly Holiday Events Around Orlando

In a tropical climate like ours, it can be tough to get into the holiday spirit when it’s 85 degrees in the middle of December. Although winter doesn’t bring snow to Central Florida, there are still plenty of opportunities for you and your family to get in to the spirit of things this Advent and […]

November is PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month

November is the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Healthy Lifestyles Month! This year’s theme is “Get Off Your Apps.” These days, it’s hard to get your child off their digital devices and outside playing. Orlando private schools have ways you can encourage your child to put the device down and connect with their loved ones. […]

St. Charles Day

As you know, Charles Borromeo was a Roman Catholic archbishop and cardinal from Milan in the 1500s. He was a member of a noble family and was Pope Pius IV’s nephew. He died on November 4th, a day that is now recognized as St. Charles Day. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando private school, honors its […]

Preparing for the Father-Daughter Dance

A father-daughter dance may just be a few hours for one night, but the memory can be cherished forever. It’s a great opportunity for fathers to demonstrate to their daughters the respect they should receive from a man and how they should be treated. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando private school, is having their father-daughter […]

Finding God Through Fitness

Remember that God is everywhere. He is in the walk you take, the scripture you read, and within you. Faith is not just about nurturing your child’s spiritual health, but their physical health as well. Through fitness, your child will deepen their faith and take care of their temple (body). Private schools in Orlando explain […]

International Day of Peace

Peace is more than a feeling or a state of being; it’s a fruit of the Spirit. God-given peace is the kind of peace that transcends understanding and allows us to find peace in any situation regardless of the circumstances. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic School, reflects on the meaning of peace and how […]

Gardening With Genesis 1:29

The very first foods mentioned in the Bible came from the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve ate the ideal diet of plant foods given to them by God. Genesis 1:29 says “ God also said: See, I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on […]

Having Dinner as a Family Can Help Your Child Develop

We know life can get busy. Work is calling your name. You stayed at your job late and couldn’t make it home for dinner. But St. Charles Borromeo, one of the best private schools in Orlando, highly encourages setting aside time to have dinner with your family. Family dinners are an important part of your […]

The Benefits of Band and Choir

At St. Charles Borromeo, one of the best Catholic schools in Orlando, we highly encourage students to participate in band and choir. These classes have many benefits for your child, including making a connecting between spirituality and music. Here’s why your child should join the school’s band or choir! Making ConnectionsSometimes making friends at school […]

Back-to-School Organization

Back-to-school season can be chaotic and stressful. Taking the time to implement organizational tactics in advance can help calm the storm. These tips from St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, will help the transition back to school smoother. Build a WorkstationTo keep your children motivated, designate a work area where they feel comfortable and […]