
10 Tips for a Successful Back to School Routine

After a relaxing summer vacation, some students find it hard to get back into the swing of things in the school year. They may find that they’re so used to having no plans that they’re not sure how to handle a more structured day. However, children thrive on routines once they figure them out. Here […]

Embracing the New School Year with Faith

The new school year is here, and by taking it head-on with faith as a guide, your child will find that it’s a new chance to thrive. While your child may be nervous about what’s to come, faith can help them embrace all the new opportunities that come with this next chapter in their lives. […]

3 Educational Apps to Help Prevent the Summer Slide

With summer in full swing, children everywhere experience the summer slide. The summer slide is a phenomenon in which children lose some of what they learned during the school year. This happens because they’re not staying engaged with educational activities during the summer. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep children engaged, from taking them […]

Understanding How Playtime Supports Child Development

Playtime may look like it’s all fun and games, but it’s actually a vital aspect of child development. The playground is where children begin to learn who they are and how they relate to others. It’s where they find out firsthand what it’s like to skin a knee or get bitten by ants. Read on […]

Catholic Sites to Visit in Florida This Summer

When making plans for summer break, the first thing you tend to plan is a big trip with the family. For those times between out-of-state trips, there are plenty of places Floridian families can visit on a tankful of gas. Consider visiting a Catholic site right here in the Sunshine State. Here are a few […]

5 Tips for Making the Most of Catholic Summer Camps

As a parent of a Catholic school student, you may be sending your child to Catholic summer camp over the summer. After all, it’s a great way to keep them focused on faith during their break from school. These summer camps can be great places for children with similar beliefs to connect and form lifelong […]

Understanding the Importance of Parental Involvement in Education

While schools give children the tools they need to be successful, parental involvement is what helps them thrive. Students with involved parents tend to show higher school engagement, motivation, and academic achievement. One of the best things you can do for your child in school is to be involved in their education. Read on to […]

5 Key Benefits of Faith-Based Education

Families send children to religious private schools seeking a better educational experience. However, they may not know about the many reasons why children are often better served going to faith-based schools. Children learn so much beyond their classroom lessons and have plenty of opportunities to thrive academically. Read on to learn about some key benefits […]

Guiding Your Child to Respect and Value All of God’s Children

Instilling respect for others teaches your child an important lesson they will take with them for the rest of their lives. Parents and caregivers sometimes struggle to navigate teaching children empathetic responses. However, this is an essential skill for children to learn. At St. Charles Borromeo, we know the importance of educating students on good […]

How to Ensure Your Child is Ready for Pre-K

Starting Pre-K is an exciting time for a parent, but you may also be filled with anxiety about how your child will handle this change. You’ve heard that Pre-K can help your child, but you want to make sure they’re ready for it. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your […]