
The Celebration of Ash Wednesday

For parents, sometimes it can be difficult to explain things to children. St. Charles Borromeo, one of the top
Orlando Catholic schools, knows how hard it might be educating your child about religious observations and celebrations without confusing her. Here are a few ideas to help parents like you explain the importance of Ash Wednesday.

Make It Fun
Some children understand better through kinesthetic learning, so we recommend you make a fun game out of teaching small yet important lessons. You can get your child to play tag and every time that she tags someone, she has to name one reason we celebrate Ash Wednesday or why it is important to our faith. At the end of the game, everyone should have said at least one reason and learned. Plus, a cool bonus is that your child will get a quick outdoor exercise from this experience.

Stay Traditional
If your child is an auditory learner, you can try to talk about why Ash Wednesday is important. Although it’s a serious topic, it doesn’t mean that the conversation has to be intense. Your child will be more likely to remember things when you use fun and innovative concepts that she will relate to. So don’t be scared to use her favorite TV shows as an analogy to explain the importance of it. By using specific scenes and characters in an episode, you will be able to effectively describe what Ash Wednesday is and what it represents. At the end of the day, the meaning is what matters, not how you phrase it.

Use Visuals
Another technique that can help your child understand Ash Wednesday is explaining this Bible verse from Genesis 3:19: ”Until you return to the ground, from which you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Many children hear this and easily get confused or scared. Gather any type of ash-like substance, such as dirt or sand, to show them a visual. By doing this before Ash Wednesday, your child will be ready and fully aware of the true meaning of this day.

By exposing your child to these ideas, she’s more likely to become closer to God because she will understand the meaning behind her actions. St. Charles Borromeo, one of the Orlando Catholic schools, is more than just a place to learn; it’s a community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.