St. Charles Borromeo was an important religious figure during the Reformation period of the 1500s. He’s a symbol of moral character and serves as an example of how we can live our lives according to the gospel of Jesus Christ. In honor of his feast day on November 4th, we recognize the great changes he made to the church.
He was a follower of Jesus.
St. Charles Borromeo was first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ. He followed the teachings of Jesus to be a righteous person who loved and cared for others. He honored and implemented the teachings of the Bible and made many great sacrifices to live as an example for how it teaches us to live.
He was selfless and generous.
Although he was born into nobility and raised by very wealthy parents, St. Charles Borromeo gave all his money away and lived as if he were poor. He only used money he needed to survive and gave the rest to others. During the plague and famine of 1576, when all the rich and mighty fled to safety, he stayed to nurse the sick and feed the hungry.
He reformed the church from corruption.
St. Charles Borromeo was an important leader and reformer of the Catholic church. It was his mission to reorganize the church and drive out corruption. His changes made it so the Catholic church of his time helped and listened to its people, instead of serving only the rich and powerful.
He was a symbol of moral character.
St. Charles Borromeo lived according to the gospel. He had courage in a time of unrest, and went against very powerful people to reorganize the church and make it work for the people. He gave to the poor, fed the hungry and sacrificed his own comfort to help others. He serves as a great symbol of moral character and an example of how we can live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus.
In honor of his feast day, we recognize how important St. Charles Borromeo was in reforming the Catholic church and the example he set for how the Bible teaches us to live. St. Charles Borromeo, located in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, is committed to proclaiming the gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.