Teaching Your Child How To Serve Others Biblically

It’s important to teach children how to serve others so they can follow the example that Jesus set for us in the Bible. Learning how to serve people while young creates a foundation for serving selflessly throughout life. As parents, the best way to teach your child to serve is to lead by example. Learn ways to teach your child how to serve others biblically.

Blessing Bags

Creating blessing bags will require some time and dedication. Gather essential personal items like toothpaste, soap, and socks. With your child, place these items into a reusable or Ziploc bag, and ask your child to write a prayer or word of encouragement to place in each bag. You can drop these bags off at a local shelter. This activity will open your child’s eyes to the blessings they are given every day. It can also teach children about constantly looking for opportunities to serve others.. 

Thank You Cards and Letters 

Creating thank you cards for the people who influence your child’s life is a great way to serve. Have your child pick some members of their community who help them or serve them, then ask your child to write a thank you card for those people. Jesus washed the feet of His followers. By setting this example, He showed us how to serve out of a heart of compassion and love. You can also write letters to those in the military or to those in the hospital. Jesus says that we must comfort those that go through trials, and writing letters is a real-world application of that. 

Picking up Litter 

Doing this activity with your kids teaches them to respect the earth and their surroundings. Start by finding an area that needs some attention, like a park or a beach. Then, with your child, gather plastic bags and gloves so that you can be safe while collecting litter. Along with helping keep the environment clean, it reminds your child that we’re here to be good stewards of God’s creation.

Food or Clothing Drive

Starting a food drive with your child can teach them to serve those who are less fortunate. The Bible says in Proverbs 19:17, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” This is a lesson to teach our children in order for them to grow in their faith and be stewards of what God has given them. Donating their clothes is an application of how Jesus calls us to live in the Bible. Since we have and don’t need, we are able to give. This is the blessing of abundance that we can teach our children.

Serving others is a fundamental part of being a follower of Christ. That’s why our Orlando Catholic school located in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando encourages children to serve others just as they are taught to in the Bible. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.