Pray Like the Pope

If there’s one thing we know to be true, it’s the importance of prayer, especially around Easter. Taking moments out of our day to pray helps us be thankful for all that He has given us, and allows us time to reflect and consider opportunities where we can bless others. Easter is a great time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus by praying Pope Francis’ nightly prayer.

First, begin by recounting everything from your day and continually ask yourself this question: “If I had stopped to slow down, where would I have seen God today?” This will help you give your prayer some depth and direction.

Once you have taken some time to talk to God and center your mind, try ending with this short, favorite prayer of Pope Francis: “Lord, if you want, you can make me clean.” Afterward, Pope Francis says he prays five Our Fathers, one for each of the wounds of Christ because Jesus cleansed us with His wounds.

You can begin to slowly incorporate this into your children’s nighttime prayers. Toward the end of their prayer, add, “Lord, if you want, you can make me clean.” Build on this over time, adding an Our Father every night until your child is able to recite all five.

Then, take time to talk to your children about the power of prayer and why the Pope’s prayer is important. Explain what it means to be made clean and how it relates to what Jesus did for us on Easter. Ask why someone may pray this at the end of the day, making sure you give your children plenty of time to reflect, ask questions, and offer their own insight. As the days progress, discuss the meaning of the five Our Fathers and answer any questions about their meaning. If your children are visual learners, it may help to have a crucifix nearby to help them focus and understand!

At St. Charles Borromeo, we incorporate prayer into our daily curriculum. We pride ourselves on creating an environment where students can work hard, play hard, and pray hard. If you’re currently looking for an Orlando Catholic school that prioritizes both education and spirituality, please consider visiting us. We cultivate a community where children can gain the strong foundation they need to grow into responsible adults who love and follow Him.