Fostering the Growth in Your Child’s Relationship with God

Parents want to see their children grow up to be the best that they can be. This means that living up to their full academic potential is a priority—but that spirituality, and fostering a relationship with God, is equally as important. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic School, is dedicated to helping our students grow academically and spiritually. We believe this spiritual growth should be reinforced at home. We would like to give you a few simple ways that you can help foster your child’s relationship with God.

Nightly Prayers
At the end of the day, young children may be tired or lack the attention span to pray. However, this is a great time to help them refocus on God through prayer. Instead of jumping straight into prayer, ask them: What are they thankful for today? Is there something they’d like to tell God today? This will help them to think about their spirituality and be more invested in bedtime prayer.

Choose Faith-Filled Movies and Books
Children love stories, but if they’re forced to read or watch tales that they’re not interested in, they may start to resent engaging in these forms of entertainment. Luckily there are many movies and books that children often enjoy—for example, the movies “Noah’s Ark” and “The Prince of Egypt,” as well as stories in the book, A Children’s Bible. Let them choose which story they want to hear, and they’ll be more interested in its message.

Teach the Joy of Giving Over Receiving
Part of fostering a child’s relationship with God is helping them learn how to follow in his footsteps. One way to do this is to teach them to help others who are less fortunate. As we start approaching Christmas season, give them a small budget to buy a toy that they can donate to another child. Or, encourage them to donate one of their own toys that are in good condition.

Children learn fast. Building a strong spiritual foundation when they’re young can help them better follow God as they grow to be responsible and respectable adults. As an Orlando Catholic school, St. Charles Borromeo helps to form those important spiritual building blocks in students by incorporating faith into our academics. If you’re currently looking to enroll your child in a Catholic school, you can visit our about us page to learn more about what we offer.