
How to Tell if Your Child is Ready for PreK

thumbnail-3When should your child start PreK? Some would argue that the right age is around two-and-a-half years old, as this is when children are usually developmentally ready to attend school. However, this isn’t true of all children. Each child is an individual and some may need a little bit more time before PreK can be an enjoyable experience. If you’re wondering whether your child is ready to enroll in St. Charles Borromeo, a Catholic school in Orlando that accepts students from PreK 3 through 8th grade, consider some of these points.


PreK is a huge step for a young child who may still need you to help them through tasks. Before they’re enrolled in PreK, they should be able to perform some basic skills without assistance. Is your child potty-trained, able to feed themselves, and wash their own hands after arts and crafts activities? Then they may be able to handle the day-to-day activities PreK offers. It is also important to consider whether your child is used to spending time away from you. This isn’t a deal-breaker, as a child can learn in PreK how to be separate from a parent. However, it is an easier transition if this is not a new experience.

Self-Entertainment and Group Interaction

The activities children enjoy in PreK require them to be able to entertain themselves and play well with others. Some arts and crafts projects may require your child to focus on one task for a small period, while other activities will involve speaking and listening to others. These can be difficult tasks for young children who are still learning how to interact in a social environment. If your child is already used to playing alone and with others, then it may be a good time to enroll in PreK.


Is your child still bounding with energy after hours of play, or is a mid-morning nap still a necessity? PreK is full of projects and physical activity and if your child lacks stamina, they may find the experience to be stressful. If your child can make it to afternoon nap time without extreme exhaustion, then the level of activity in PreK shouldn’t be too strenuous.

While these are great starting points to figure out if your child is ready for PreK, every child is still an individual. A time that works perfectly for one child may be too stressful for another. St. Charles Borromeo is a Catholic school in Orlando that cares about your child’s well-being at school. Please check out our enrollment page if you’re considering enrolling your child at St. Charles Borromeo. We would be happy to discuss with you if now is the right time for PreK.